Adrenal Fatigue: What can I do about it?

© Melis82 | Stock Free Images

Doesn’t she look like she is bursting with energy? Typically if you have adrenal fatigue jumping up for no good reason is not on your list of thing that you do. Treating your adrenal fatigue however can have you jumping for joy [...]

Adrenal Fatigue: How can I know for sure?

If you haven’t had a chance to read my blog post on Adrenal Fatigue yet go back and read that first.

Adrenal Fatigue - The Silent Epidemic


Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. I am sharing what I have learned but you need to make your own decisions about your own health [...]

Tongue Tie Photos

I have been asked for some photos of my children’s tongue ties and also of my husbands tongue tie correction. In case you haven’t had a chance to read my post on Tongue Tie you can find it here.

First I’ll start with my 4 year old’s tongue. I’m sorry there appears to be some [...]

Zucchini Noodles

One of the hardest things to give up when you go on a grain free diet is pasta. It is such a big part of our American diet and features prominently in our favorite comfort foods. Breaking the Vicious Cycle describes making noodles from zucchini using a vegetable peeler and I have done that many [...]

Beef Short Ribs Teriyaki style

This is an adaptation of a recipe from The Grassfed Gourmet Cookbook. (are you sick of hearing how much I love this cookbook yet?) It didn’t take much to make it GAPS legal. I did not grow up eating ribs so I have relied on cookbooks to teach me the techniques. They are a tasty [...]

Coconutty Pudding

This is my families favorite desert. Shhhhh… don’t tell them it is good for them! It has lots of nourishing eggs, coconut milk and dates. What more could you want? It is equally good hot or cold so I like to make a double recipe and have some warm and some cold later on.

Essential Oils:Charity Blend

In my last post about essential oils I shared about Spice for Life blend. It is terrific for preventing and treating sickness, especially viruses. Today I am going to share about another essential oil blend that Be Young sells. It is called Charity.

Since the weather has warmed up my lyme symptoms have come back [...]

Adrenal Fatigue: The silent epidemic

Image: africa /

I was first diagnosed with adrenal fatigue 10 years ago. At the time I dismissed it as a serious illness, after all I didn’t seem to have any symptoms that stood out from most Americans. I knew that I needed to sleep more and exercise more and manage [...]

Cooking Basics: How to cook squash

This is lesson 2 in my cooking basics series. The first lesson was on how to roast a whole chicken.

I was reading Joel Salatin’s latest book Folks, This Ain’t Normal and in one of the chapters he talks about a farmer who has a bumper crop of butternut squash and he can’t find anyone [...]

Cold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!

Here’s a video for some inspiration for you.

The ice man takes a cold dip

So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for [...]