I'm getting into the swing of this blogging thing and having fun doing it. I'm so thankful that each of you are along for the ride with me. I love hearing from you what you like and what you want me to blog about and any questions you may have. I'm not an expert at blogging yet but after 26+ months of GAPS I've sure learned a lot about how it works. I post articles over on Facebook that relate to GAPS and nutrition and health as well so join in the conversation there. I may even start in on twitter one day soon. (Can't believe I am old enough to feel this divide with "young people" over twitter and texting but I'll get there I'm sure. Just give me time.)
Coming up this week I have recipes for two of my children's favorite foods that even can be enjoyed together in the same meal if you so choose. Spaghetti Soup and GAPS Oopsie Rolls.
I'm also working on a post on cooking fats used on the GAPS diet. Explaining what each one is and how it can be used.

Lastly my husband will be doing a guest post this week about the cold frame he built for us to grow greens and other cold weather crops this winter.
Let me know in the comments what sorts of posts you like and what topics you are hoping I will cover soon.