Have you visited a Salt Room?
Have you heard of Halotherapy? What about a Salt room? No? I hadn’t either until this summer. It just so happens that I am a very lucky American to have a Salt room in my vicinity. There are more opening up all the time so you just might be too. I have tried to find a comprehensive listing of salt rooms around the country to include on here but I can’t seem to find one. Sorry you will have to google it for your own area yourself.

- Asthma
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Bronchitis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Eczema
- Frequent Ear Infections
- Psoriasis
- Sinusitis
- Sleep Problems
- Stress
I have several friends who have been to the local salt room and seen benefit. One friend had already done 3 rounds of antibiotics for bronchitis but was still sick. He did a series of sessions at the salt room and felt that it helped more than the medications had. Another friend had a bad rash on her hands that wouldn’t clear up no matter what she tried. She started going to the salt room regularly and saw amazing progress in it. A third friend began to bring her daughter with Asthma and was amazed at the improvement that she showed after just one session. In fact the owner of The St Louis Salt Room was able to get his own daughter off of her asthma medications entirely thanks to her halotherapy sessions.
One thing that the salt room is particularly good for is infants. They can just come and be exposed to the room with their mother and breathe in the salt and be healed. It is so easy and non-invasive. It is a great option for an infant with a cold or an ear infection.
This past summer I went with a friend and between us our 4 children. We went 10 times over the course of 2 weeks. In general halo therapy needs to be done several times to see improvements so we made a commitment (it was also cheaper per session that way). I didn’t see big improvements in myself or my children from the therapy. In fact the opposite. It set off a round of die off in all of us. I was grateful for that push in the direction of healing but a bit disappointed that we didn’t get a nice healing wow out of it. I wonder if that was yet another MTHFR issue. Our bodies attempting to detox but unable to do it because of the methylation blocks.
You can see that the kids enjoyed their time in the salt and even buried each other in the salt on the floor.
I am now going back in hopes that it will help clear up a bad chest cold that I suddenly developed last weekend. I could certainly feel that it loosened stuff up at my first session yesterday and I plan to go two more times over the next 2 days and see if I can eliminate this before it gets too serious. (Chest colds always feel serious to me though). I’m also taking my Spice for Life, Master Tonic and loads of Fermented Cod Liver Oil hoping that I can knock this out sooner rather than later. Of course I’m eating lots of soup and drinking broth and other intro type foods for the bulk of my meals. My chest no longer hurts when I breathe (good!) but I still have a wet cough that isn’t going away yet so I won’t slack off. I got sick less than a week ago so I take it as a good sign that I am already seeing improvement.
Have you ever been to a salt room or do you know of one in your area? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

Fascinating! I remember you mentioning salt rooms on the GAPS yahoo group but it was really interesting to read more about it. It's funny to think about salt mines being turned into spas.
This is very interesting and worthy of looking into. Thanks for the post.
I imagine that such a place would not be very good for people with heart conditions tho, taking into consideration that sodium is not good for people with Heart Conditions.
Do you know, do they add Epsom Salts to the mix? Epsom is a very good way of absorbing Magnesium in one’s system and also helps with these health concerns. I wonder if that may be a main healing ingredient.
What they use is dead sea salt and pink salt. No epsom salts are used. People with congestive heart failure often have adrenal fatigue and that benefits greatly from salt intake. High blood pressure also usually benefits from more good salt in the diet. No one benefits from refined salt. They do have a list of conditions that are contraindicated. I remember that hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) is one but I just don’t remember what else. Of course I am not a health practitioner so you need to get your information from a source that you trust.