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Crispy Wings with Honey Mustard Sauce

US Wellness Meats had a special on chicken wings recently so when I was placing my order our staple, pemican, I ordered some wings too. I wasn’t sure what to do with them but I knew that they would be popular with my kids. Wings can be fun to eat and since we get whole chickens from our farmers we usually just have the 2 at a time. I decided to just cook them up plain and use a dipping sauce. It was a big hit here.


Preheat oven to 375.
Wash the wings and cut up if desired at the joints. I decided to save the tips for making broth at a later point. Lay out on a jelly roll pan (cookie sheet with sides) and sprinkle generously with salt. You can also sprinkle with spices if desired. Flip all of the pieces over and generously salt the other side as well. Put a couple of tbsp sized dollops of lard on the cookie sheet. Slide it into the oven.
After 10 min or so take a pair of tongs and flip over the chicken pieces so that they will get melted lard on all sides.
Bake for about 1 hour or till the skin is crispy but not burnt.

Meanwhile make the honey mustard.

Honey Mustard Sauce

  • 2 TBSP yellow mustard
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 3 TBSP coconut oil melted
Mix together in a bowl.
Serve the wings hot with the honey mustard sauce or any other sauce like Tobasco or BBQ or just eat them plain. Yum!

One Comment

  1. That sauce sounds yummy! Thanks for the idea



  1. Summer Picnic Ideas | Loving Our Guts - [...] Crispy Wings with Honey Mustard Sauce (GAPS, LOD) These were a big hit with my kids. [...]

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