Brussel Sprouts with Bacon
2 bags of fresh brussel sprouts trimmed and cut in half
1/4 cup bacon grease or other solid fat
1 cup chicken broth
3 slices of thick cut bacon cut into small pieces (1/2-1 inch)
Preheat oven to 400. Put the brussel sprouts, bacon, bacon grease, and chicken broth into a 9 x 13 pan
. Put into the oven. Stir every 10 min or so. Cook until the sprouts are well browned and the broth is mostly evaporated. 30-40 min. This will depend on the size of the brussel sprouts. If you want the bacon really crisp you will have to cook it ahead of time in a pan or save some from breakfast to add to the dish.
*US Wellness Bacon.-You will have to read the ingredients list since not all of theirs are GAPS legal. The ones with brown sugar and xylitol are not allowed on GAPS. They do sell an unsweetened beef bacon and unsweetened or honey sweetened pork bacon.

*US Wellness Bacon.-You will have to read the ingredients list since not all of theirs are GAPS legal. The ones with brown sugar and xylitol are not allowed on GAPS. They do sell an unsweetened beef bacon and unsweetened or honey sweetened pork bacon.