White Chocolate Coconut Pie

I love Pintrest but those deserts people post seem impossible on GAPS or are filled with fake ingredients (and I want to eat them all!) I spotted one the other day that I ignored at first but the lure of chocolate with coconut and the promise of “gluten free” and “Just 4 ingredients” sucked me [...]

GAPS Basics: Sour Cream

This is part 2 in my GAPS Basics series. See part 1 Basic Bone Broth Tutorial: Why and how here.

Time and again I see people asking how to make GAPS sour cream. They want to make it and yet they are nervous that the process is complicated or tricky. Nothing could be further from [...]

New recipes and more coming this week

My family has been attending a new church for a few months. I’m not sure if it is the congregation or just that we have hit the point in GAPS where I feel very comfortable with it but I am wanting to make food to share at the pot luck meals. In the past I [...]

GAPS Basics: Basic Bone Broth Tutorial: Why and How.

If you are considering the GAPS diet or just wanting to know how to preserve or improve your families health, making bone broth is a simple but powerful culinary skill to master.

In short broth is one of the best foods you can feed your family. It is a multivitamin, a medicine for all kinds [...]


We all use it every day and we tend to assume it is working right as long as we don’t have major problems. We put stuff in, we get stuff out. Whatever is happening inside is happening and we don’t want to hear too much about it. Even with major issues we might be embarrassed [...]

Hootenanny Pancakes

When I married my husband and inherited that recipe box I spoke of in my post about the Cranberry Cake with Hot Butter Sauce I discovered some other family favorites. One that my husband fondly remembered his grandmother making was called Hootenanny Pancakes. He said that his grandmother used this to sneak eggs into his [...]

What is GAPS?

What’s so great about the GAPS diet? Who might benefit from the GAPS diet? How does GAPS heal so many different issues?

You may have had these questions so I’m going to attempt to answer them.

First a list of symptoms/disorders that GAPS can address. This list is from Baden’s Blog


2 years on GAPS part 2- My Story

Part 1 is here. If you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything. If you haven’t seen the Princess Bride you are really missing out. There is one memorable scene where the prince and Count Rugen are talking before Count Rugen goes to torture Wesley. The prince is talking about how busy he is [...]

Leptin Reset update #1

Leptin Reset- First post

I have now been on the Leptin Reset for just over 7 weeks. I’ still eating the BAB (big ass breakfast) although it isn’t quite so big or so fast. Today was 4 eggs, 4 slices of bacon and decaf coffee. A bit under 50 g of protein and I give [...]

18 months of GAPS

I wrote this in the spring of 2011 after 18 months of GAPS. I shared it on Facebook at the time and thought it would be good to have on here as well. I hope it is helpful for you.


In November of 2009 my family began the GAPS diet. It wasn’t a good [...]