Gaps and LOD compliant
adapted from This recipe on Primal Palate
My family has been following the GAPS diet strictly for over 2 years with no end in sight right now. 2 of us began eating a low oxalate version of GAPS in the spring and also don't see that ending any time soon. We enjoy or savory meats and veggies but at this time of year we really want to partake in the festivities and that means we want some sweet treats. I had a great time today baking these cookies with my kids. And they loved helping and eating them once they were done. My family has eaten very little in the way of sweets over the past 2 years and our sweet tooth is dialed way down. You may need a bit more sweet to make this taste right for you.
!/2 cup coconut oil melted (I used expeller pressed to avoid a strong coconut flavor)
1/4 cup honey mixed with 1/4 cup warm water (you can bump this up to 1/2 cup honey and leave out the water if you want it sweeter.)
4 free range eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp celtic salt
1 cup coconut flour
5-6 medjool dates pitted
1 tbsp honey optional
hot water
To start cut up the dates with a knife or kitchen sheers. Put into a small bowl and pour some hot water from the kettle over them. Start with 1 tbsp and mash the dates. Keep adding hot water 1 tbsp at a time till you have a thick paste. Mine wasn't quite smooth but that was fine. It took 4-5 tbsp but I had very large dates (and ended up with too much filling). If you want it sweeter you can add 1 tbsp of honey to this mixture as part of the liquid to thin it out. I think dates are very sweet already and don't need anything to make them sweeter. Set this aside.
Preheat oven to 375
In a bowl with a wisk coconut oil, honey, water (if needed), eggs, vanilla extract and salt till well blended. Sift in the coconut flour and mix again. It will seem too thin at first but will firm up over a couple of minutes. It is still supposed to be a very soft dough.
Make small balls of the dough, about 1 tbsp in size. (ours were a bit big) This cookie tastes best if it is small so don't make them too big. Use your thumb to flatten them to make a space for the filling. Use a spoon to fill each cookie with a dollop of filling. Bake for 15 minutes. Take out and allow to cool. Enjoy!
Sorry the image quality is so poor on these photos. I'm still learning how this all works.
Making the cookies

With the filling (and a big smile)
Ready to go in the oven
Cooling they smell divine!
And the best part of all....eating!
The aprons my girls are wearing is part of a set I had a friend make for the whole family last year for Christmas. Since we do so much cooking I thought it would be fun to all have aprons (yes even my husband) that don't exactly match but go together. I'll have to post some photos of all of us in them sooner or later. Her Etsy shop is DeanBug Designs and the aprons are high quality and will fit the girls for a good long while. I reach for mine first from my collection of aprons (when I remember to wear one and not ruin my clothes. Oops!)