Cold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!

Here’s a video for some inspiration for you.

The ice man takes a cold dip

So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for [...]

Cold Adapting tool

I have been dipping my face in ice water this week but I really have no idea what temperature the water is, nor do I know how cold I am really getting my skin. I saw this tool on Amazon today and went ahead and ordered it with prime. Hopefully it will arrive in time [...]

I want to be well!

Here I am as a high school senior. I was young. I was strong. My brain and my body both worked well and I loved to use them. I ran track, acted in plays, sang in choirs and dreamed of a life preforming on the stage. I had limitless energy and a [...]

Come on in! The water’s freezing!

Photo by

Brrrr!!!! Doesn’t this look like fun? Jumping into icy cold water and hanging out for a bit? Many of you know I have been following the Leptin Reset for a few months. Less than a month ago, Jack Kruse came out with a new twist on [...]

GAPS Fast foods or “Oh No I forgot to plan dinner!”

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Does this seem like an oxymoron? Believe it or not sometimes I don’t plan ahead. Sometimes I don’t have leftovers waiting for lunch and some days it is 5 pm before I think “What should we have for dinner?” And some days we leave the house [...]

Cooking Basics: How to Roast a Chicken


In the past every girl would have learned how to cook from her mother. Those lessons would have included basics like how to roast a chicken and a beef roast, how to bake a cake (from scratch), how to prepare various vegetables, and lots of other important kitchen skills. Now the cooking [...]

Here I am!

Welcome to my new blog!

I would love to hear from you that you made it here safely! Just leave a comment so I know I’m not speaking to an empty room now. Thanks! And let me know if you got this via e-mail. I’m not confidant that it is working right yet.




Guest Posting Today at Divine Health

Today I am guest posting on Lydia’s blog Divine Health. My post is all about a subject near and dear to those of us who are following GAPS, enemas.

No? You don’t love them? I wasn’t very excited about them either when I started GAPS. You can read all about it over in today’s post. The [...]

2 Years on GAPS part 3 continued

Yesterday I published the first part of my younger daughters GAPS story. You can read it here. 2 Years on GAPS Part 3 I realized as I was writing it that it was just too long for one blog post so here is the second half of it.

Isn’t she beautiful? Not that I’m a biased [...]

2 years on GAPS: Part 3

I am doing a series of blog posts on our first 2 years on GAPS. There is one for each of us. This is part 3. It is the story of my youngest. She was our impetus for starting GAPS when we did but since her story is more complicated I have saved it till [...]