Well people have asked me to start a blog for a while so here goes. This will be about my journey healing my family. That encompasses a much broader range of issues than it might appear at first. I titled it Loving Our Guts because God made us and loves us and we are loving ourselves as we heal. Also as Hippocrates said "All disease begins in the gut." The further we go in this journey the more we realize how true this is. So we are loving our guts as we heal them because that will be the source of our health.
One big piece for me is local foods and I will be starting off with some posts about local meals. Sourcing local foods has many benefits. It reduces our carbon footprint. When food doesn't take an airplane ride to get to our kitchen that benefits the earth. It also means that we often get to know the people who raise our food. This means that there is accountability. If it makes us ill, or doesn't taste very good I know where it came from and can avoid it in the future. Also the farmers providing our food know the people eating it and they are motivated to not cut corners and treat the people they know well. Also this means that the people raising my food get the profit from it instead of some middle man (or 10) who markets it and shuffles it around the country. We are directly helping to feed people we know and care about with our purchasing. We purchase food grown in a sustainable manner and with minimal or no pesticides since that is what is best for our family and what is best for the family of the farmer growing the food. This means we are getting safe food at a good price that we can feel good about buying and about eating. It is also food that has the most nutrition density (the longer produce takes to get from the farm to your table the less nutrition it has by the time you eat it.) And that kind of food helps my family heal.
So thank you for joining me here and reading my ramblings. Hopefully we will both learn some more along the way.