Review and Give Away: Lacto-Fermentation and Kitchens Resurrected Cooking Schools!
I’m so excited about this cooking school that KerryAnn at Cooking Traditional Foods has set up! In fact it is two schools in one! Not only that but it is an ongoing education that just keeps building every week! Such and incredible idea and KerryAnn has the breadth of knowledge to pull it off.
First the Lacto-Fermentation Class. This is teaching about the ways to achieve anaerobic fermentation of your foods. It is teaching how to make various fermented foods and it is even teaching how to use those in your picky families diet!
To get an example of what KerryAnn is doing with this school you should go and watch this video she put together for making Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut.
Some examples of other video recipes already posted are
- Pickled Garlic
- Sour Cream
- Peach Chutney
- Cherry Sour Cream Ice Cream
- Blackberry soup
This is in addition to her how to videos about using the pickl-it and the Harsch Crock. She covers every aspect of fermenting in these classes from the technical details of making the right brine and choosing a fermenting vessel to recipes both making fermented foods and then using those foods in dishes that your family will love. She is following the seasonal availability of various foods so right now peaches are in season so they are featured heavily in her classes. Later on other foods will be in season and will be featured. I love seeing the listing grow as the season progresses and yet still being able to look back at what has gone before. While I can’t guarentee that every recipe in this class will be GAPS legal it will certainly add to your repetoir of probiotic rich foods to use in healing your self or your family. As my family is learning it isn’t just having ferments daily that matters but having them from an anaerobic source and a variety of foods is going to give you the best chance at healing.
The other school is one that I know many of my readers will LOVE! So many of you say that you can’t cook or don’t know how to cook. Well, Kitchens Resurrected is for you! From the most basic cooking skills to more complicated techniques these classes will have you cooking with confidence in no time. Once again KerryAnn is focusing on ingredients that are currently in season and is showing different ways to use them to make real foods that will please your family.
For example she has a whole series of videos on chicken from selecting a good chicken to making chicken stock to roasting it and even more. In addition she is putting together a catalog of vegetable recipes and another one of fruit recipes so from Apples to Zucchini you will be able to look up ideas for every fruit and vegetable you might encounter.
Each week she adds more videos to the school. You can go at any time and watch the videos and learn a new skill. This cooking school is designed for people who have no experience in the kitchen and need to learn the basic skills. It is also helpful for people with some skills who want to learn new ideas to improve their skills. Doing the GAPS diet has taught me the importance of good basic food prep skills to efficiently get a whole foods meal on the table for my family. A cooking school like this one could have made a difference for me and it certainly would for the many people I meet who want to do GAPS but are intimidated by the cooking involved.
This all sounds incredible right? And since it sounds so incredible you are thinking “How much will this cost?” Well if use the discount code CTF to get 20% off the already low price it can cost you as little as $2.15 a week. That is less than most coffee drinks! What a steal to have KerryAnn explaining so many skills and recipes to you whenever you need some extra help.
You can go here to sign up and read about all the other options as well. Even the most expensive option (that I will be giving away below) can be only $6.15 a week (with the 20% discount). That is about the price of 2 Lattes. A small price to pay to get the instructions and support that comes along with that memership level. Not to mention the discounts on all the other products (this membership even comes with her weekly menu mailer!)
Ok so while you are thinking about that you can keep scrolling and sign up to win a free 3 month Diamond Membership. That is the best membership available. If you go ahead and take advantage of the discount coupon now and end up winning the membership a refund can be worked out with KerryAnn. Don’t worry about that! Now go and enter to win!
I would love to hear in the comments which cooking school is more interesting to you. The Lactofermentation school or the Kitchens Resurrected School.

What a great give away!
Would love to win this! So close to starting GAPS and need to learn more about a few cooking techniques!