Winner of “Real” Play food! and a coupon code!
Well that Give Away was popular! (I’ve got another one in the works too, just wait and see! This one is for the adults in my audience).
Anyhow I am excited to announce the winner.
Congratulations!!! Lela T.
Watch for your set of Real Play Food in the mail.
Now for the rest of you Bess is offering free shipping for any orders placed within the next week. So if you place an order by December 12th and give her the code lovingourguts she will give you free shipping on anything that you order!!! I personally love getting free shipping.
Don’t hesitate to request special items that you don’t see in her shop. She loves making custom orders and will honor the free shipping code for any order in before Dec. 12th! I’m not sure how many items she will have time to make before Christmas so be sure to get your order in early!
This is a Christmas present that you can really feel good about. You are supporting a mom directly through your purchase and you are teaching your children about real food at the same time.
Head on over to BessMess on Etsy and place your order for some real play food to delight your little chef.