Winner of Lisa’s Counter Culture E-Book plus bonus!
Wow! This give away was popular! My second most popular one yet! I wish I could have given each and every one of you a book. It really is fantastic. But there is only one winner and her name is
Beth M.
Beth look for an e-mail from me with more details.
For the rest of you I have a great bonus.
Lisa has offered a $15.99 discount on the E-Book. This unfortunately will not apply to the print book. Those are still the regular price but it really is a fantastic discount if you want the e-book, so go ahead and take advantage of it!
This discount code is good for one week only and will expire at midnight on October 13, 2012.
Click here to visit LisasCounterCulture. Then when you go to check out you can enter the code loving to get $15.99 off! This brings the e-book price down to just $21!
So congratulations again Beth M. and for the rest of you go ahead and take advantage of this great discount!
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA

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