Unwrapping 2012
Looking back over 2011 I see lots of victories that make me want to celebrate! At this time 1 year ago none of us could have fruit or high carb veggies without symptoms, W was on a low sulfur diet, little J had lots of digestive symptoms that we still hadn’t solved, and I was overwhelmed and discouraged by it all. Now here we are a year later. W has graduated from her low sulfur diet and now only has to be careful of a couple of foods. Little J is now taking biokult, on a Low Oxalate Diet and so much healthier. My health has gone up and down but I have faith that I will get closer to health this year than I was last year. Seeing my children healing encourages me to hope and pray for the same for myself this year.
I am now excited about what 2012 will bring to us!
- First up is getting tongue ties fixed! Jason goes first, it just a couple of weeks then we will schedule the other two after that.
- I’m doing a month of acupuncture starting tomorrow to help me kick this sinus infection and support my detox systems. I also got a groupon for some FIR sauna sessions that I plan to take advantage soon.
- I am studying up on MTHFR and plan to share a blog post or two on it. We were all tested last spring and each came up positive for this mutation. We did methyl b12 shots all summer but I’m not sure now that we are addressing it adequately. I’ve got more research to do. This subject has lots of opinions and not a ton of research so we’ll see what I can figure out.
- One of the things I ordered from Be Young with that great deal I spoke of here was a book to understand essential oils better. My plan for 2012 is to understand them better and share that knowlege with all of you.
- Now that my leptin is reset I’m ready to do some exercising and so I am starting off the year with a T-Tapp Boot Camp. This basically means doing a T-Tapp exercise routine every day for a set period of time. We are starting tomorrow. Friends all over the country are doing it together so can too. You can like my page on Facebook and I’ll add you to the group.
- I also am planning a series of GAPS basics cooking posts for people who are starting GAPS and struggling with the cooking aspects. Of course all of my recipes on here are GAPS legal and LOD legal.
- Which brings me to my last goal for 2012. To grow my blog so that it can help more people regain their health and love themselves no matter how healthy or sick. You can help me with that goal by becoming a fan on here and by liking it on Facebook
I can’t wait to unwrap it!

Hey Patty! It's Gina from the gaps yahoo group! I just liked your page on facebook-your blog has been very helpful!
Thanks for sharing all of your wisdom!
Thanks so much Gina and welcome!