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Pumpkin Bread (GAPS, LOD)

It’s a great time of year for pumpkin bread!

I have been playing with using some of my Be Young Essential Oils to cook with to reduce the oxalate content in my foods. Spices can pack quite a punch when it comes to oxalate content. The ground spices alone add nearly 80 mg of oxalate to this loaf of bread. Using essential oils however eliminates those oxalates and allows me to flavor my foods with otherwise off limits spices.

Of course you must use caution and only use essential oils that are safe for internal use like the ones produced by Be Young. Also many essential oils are diluted but sold as pure (this is legal to do) and will not preform the same in this recipe. Be Young makes it very easy to get their oils at a discount. See this page for more details if you want to order them. Be Young Essential Oils.

A good rule of thumb with essential oils is that one drop=1 oz of dried herb or spice. However oils evaporate quickly in hot foods. For this reason it is usually recommended that you add the oils at the end of the cooking process, however that just isn’t possible when making bread. I go ahead and add it to the batter and know that much of it gets cooked off so using a whole drop or two does not overpower the recipe.
Pumpkin Bread

Preheat Oven to 325

Using a blender or hand mixer blend together the pumpkin, melted butter, honey, vanilla extract, essential oils and eggs. Once those are well blended sift in the coconut flour, baking soda and salt. Mix thoroughly. If adding nuts or chocolate chips stir them in at this point.

Vitamix Instructions: For those who have a Vitamix. I put the frozen squash, stick of butter (not melted), honey, and vanilla into the vitamix and let it go until the machine has thawed the frozen squash and melted the butter. This takes 5 minutes or longer. I have even done it with frozen butter. Then add the rest of the ingredients in the order listed blending after each one. I you pour it quickly into the bread pan before the coconut flour has a chance to thicken it will clean up more easily.

Pour into a greased 9x5x3 in loaf pan. I like to put a small piece of Parchment Paperlining the bottom of the pan and grease both sides of it. That seems to make a big difference in getting the bread out intact at the end of baking.

Bake for 50-60 min. It is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Turn out of the pan and cool on a rack before slicing.

Serve slathered with lots of good grassfed butter. Yummy!

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Shared at The Liberated Kitchen’s GAPS Friendly Fridays #15

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Thank You! -PattyLA


  1. Wow, that looks like a perfect pumpkin loaf! Impressive! Going to make this. :)

  2. This looks great. Nice crumb. :) I’ve got 2 squash on my counter that are begging to be used for something. I made squash yeast bread and squash scones this weekend. I should put this on the to-do list for this weekend.

  3. Patty, you got the ultimate compliment for this one from my 4.5y/o Sophie, “Mmmmm Mom this tastes like UNHEALTHY bread!” Thanks for the recipe :)

  4. Trying this today!! Thanks so much for your gaps/lod recipes.

  5. Thank you for this recipe, I really need more squash recipes! I just tried this today, and it smells delicious! I just have one question, it’s a bit spongey. The toothpick did come out clean, so I’m guessing that’s just the texture of the bread? Or did I do something wrong? (I used coconut oil rather than butter, if that makes any difference as far as texture goes.) Thanks!

    • It has been a while since I made this but I do recall it was a bit softer in texture than some breads. Most quick breads are softer though. Let it cool all the way before slicing.

      • Thanks! We tried it tonight after dinner and it was DELICIOUS! The perfect recipe for us, it’s exactly what I was looking for. My kids couldn’t stop eating it, lol.

  6. does just that small amount of essential oil provide enough flavor to really taste the cinnamon? I love cinnamon and clove but need to make it low ox so im so excited to try this!!!

    • Yes Those will be plenty strong with just one drop.


  1. Fantastic Posts Friday- Linky Love! 10/19 : - [...] Pumpkin Bread (GAPS & LOD) from Loving Our Guts [...]
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  3. A Primer: Baking with Coconut Flour - [...] Pumpkin Bread [...]
  4. Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Healthy Pumpkin Recipes - […] Pumpkin Bread […]
  5. 60 Winter Squash Recipes Round Up - Pickle Me Too - […] Pumpkin Bread (GF, GrF, DF) ~ Loving Our Guts […]
  6. Halloween Food & Treat Ideas (Grain-Free, Sugar-Free) | GAPS Diet Journey - […] Pumpkin Bread (Low Oxalate Diet, GAPS Friendly from Loving Our Guts […]

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