Guest Post: Heal Your Gut!
***Update*** You can now pay for the class with 3 monthly payments! Go here to learn more. Heal Your Gut And don’t forget to request your free copy of Broth: Elixir of Life
Today I have a guest post from my Nutritional Therapist Lydia Shatney. If you have followed my blog for very long you know that Gut health is near and dear to my heart. The GAPS diet that my family follows stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If your gut isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy.
Lydia has been helping me heal my own gut issues and she has designed this course to help you heal yours! My own gut issues were not severe enough to warrant a trip to the GI and yet nothing I was doing seemed to resolve them either. I just decided to learn to live with them. GAPS is helping a lot but it is a slow process and I am not done yet. Perhaps you are in the same boat. Wouldn’t it be great to not have to restrict your diet or activities because of “gut issues”? Perhaps there is a medication that you won’t be without because of the symptoms it controls for you. You don’t have to live like that! Learn all about how to heal your digestions so that those symptoms, medications and restrictions are a thing of the past.
I believe in what Lydia is teaching so much that I am offering a FREE copy of my book Broth: Elixir of Life to anyone who signs up for Heal Your Gut using my affiliate link. You can find my affiliate link in this post and in any advertisements I put on the blog or facebook. All that you have to do is send me a copy of your receipt once you have purchased the class and let me know if you want the PDF version (looks nicer for printing out and reading on a computer) or the Kindle or Nook version (optimized for use on the Kindle or Nook, not so nice to print out) and I will send it right over. My e-mail is Pattyla (at) lovingourguts (dot) com
Don’t miss the lower price this week only! The price goes up on October 8th from $127 to $167 so sign up now to save $40! This price goes up but the class does not expire. It also has information that you can apply to everyone in your family no matter if their issues are the same as yours or completely different. For my family of 4 that makes it less than $32 each for the entire course. Or another way to look at it is just $9 a lesson. Many people spend more than that each week on fancy coffee drinks. If you don’t have time to do it right now that is ok. I’m still working my way through the material from the ‘A Calm Mind’ class that started back in June. The great information does not expire and neither does my access to the material. Take your time and learn at your own pace but take advantage of the great price now!
Do you experience any of these digestive complaints/symptoms on a regular basis?
- Belching or gas within one hour of eating
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Bloating within one hour of eating
- Bad breath
- A sense of excess fullness after meals
- Sleep after meals
- Stomach pains of cramps
- Chronic diarrhea
- Undigested food in stool
- Sweat with a strong odor
- Nausea
- Light or clay colored stools
- Food allergies
- Alternating constipation and diarrhea
- Pain between your shoulder blades
- A history of morning sickness
- Pain under right side of rib cage
- Hemorrhoids or varicose veins
- A pulse that speeds up after eating
- Crohn’s disease
- Itchy anus
- Less than one bowel movement per day, or constipation
- Blood or mucus in your stool
- Excessive foul smelling lower bowel gas
- Cramping in lower abdominal region……………
If you answered yes to any of the above, this online course could really benefit you and help you to resolve your health maladies. As you could see from the list, many symptoms of gut dysbiosis don’t even resemble digestive complaints! Not to mention, having optimally functioning digestion is the KEY to overall health and resolving major health issues including autoimmune diseases.
My name is Lydia Shatney, and I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner offering my online course; ‘Heal Your Gut‘ for anyone in need of support to work through their health problems. Having worked through many of my own health and digestive issues, I can really understand the importance of support for those that need direction and guidance. Finding answers can be so tedious and time consuming, it’s so much better when you’ve got someone trained to help right by your side. That’s my goal in this course, to walk you step-by-step through ways to support yourself and find your way to a happier, healthier you!
5 Topics ‘Heal Your Gut’ Will Cover
- Healthy Elimination (Bowel Movements)- Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Death begins in the
colon”. It’s critical to have healthy bowel movements daily to keep wastes from wreaking havoc on your overall health. It is really, really important not to go more than 24-36 hours without having a bowel movement. Did you know that constipation affects up to 28% of Americans? (I suspect that percentage is actually much higher). Learn how to get your bowels working optimally on a daily basis, and watch your entire health improve as well. (Read: ‘Are You Constipated? Tips To Keep Things Moving‘)
- Food Sensitivities, Intolerances & Allergies - ‘It is estimated that 10 to 20 percent of us have food sensitivities. Food sensitivity reactions, also called delayed hypersensitivity reactions and in the past called “serum sickness”, occur when IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies are triggered in response to foods, chemicals, and bacterial toxins. The most common antibody reactions are IgG to mold and foods; exposure to molds and foods is quite high compared to pollens. These IgA, IgM and IgG responses are called “delayed” sensitivity reactions because the symptoms they cause can take from several hours to several days to appear, which makes it very difficult to track down the offending food or substance.‘ Learn why food sensitivities often occur, how to test for them and how to eliminate problematic foods. Many people have several food sensitivities they are not aware of that could be hampering their health.
- Fermented Cultured Foods & Probiotics -Fermented foods can aid with digestion at every step of the way! Fermentation offers immense health benefits, such as; Probiotics, Enzymes, Beneficial Strains of Yeasts, Easily assimilated & enhanced nutrients – such as vitamins and minerals, Beneficial acids, Predigest/Break down the foods for easier assimilation as well as neutralize the harmful aspects of the given food and they also help with preserving the harvest – fresh food year round. The bioavailability of nutrients in our food is improved by the fermentation process. Bioavailability is how available nutrients are for our bodies to absorb. Fermented foods allow for nutrients to be more easily absorbed as they essentially predigest the food for us. I’ll teach you the basics on how to get started with proper anaerobic fermentation. Also finding the right probiotic supplement can be tricky - I’ll teach you why you may need to supplement, what supplements are best and how to implement probiotics. (Read: Probiotics 101 for a small sampling of some of the material that will be covered in this course).
- Holistic Treatment Options For Candida- Did you know that 1/3 of the world’s population is affected by candidiasis? Candida is a fungal infection, and is a type of fungi that belongs to the yeast family which is why it is commonly called a yeast infection. Candida is found in everyone and in small amounts should still allow a person to be in good health. It is a yeast found in our guts and in the vagina as well. Normally, it is controlled by good microbes and causes no complications. It’s when one goes through antibiotics or is on the birth control pill that candida can grow and get out of hand if not treated properly. Take this Candida Questionnaire if you feel candida is an issue you need to tackle. In this course, I’ll cover a safe approach to treating candida with food and supplements.
- How To Heal Leaky Gut -What Supplements To Use.
Anything that can overstimulate the pores in the lining of the gut and keep them open too long is said to cause leaky gut. Things like; food allergies, alcoholism, Celiac Disease, certain drugs, Giardia and other parasites, Intensive illnesses, Malnutrition, Pancreatitis and many more!
Learn all the why’s and hows of why you may have a leaky gut, how to find out and heal it in this course!
You will learn more about all of these 5 topics and MUCH MORE in this amazingly insightful course (see the course outline here)! Plus, have access to a private facebook group for further support from both myself and others on the same journey to health! Not on facebook, that’s okay - you can ask your questions on the site after any lesson and I’ll answer them. Don’t miss the sale price good through October 7th - $127! It goes up to $167 after that!
Sign Up Today!
Lydia Joy Shatney is a certified Nutritional Therapist Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association. Additionally, she is the chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation in Delaware County, Pa. (Find the group here on Facebook). Lydia is also a member of the Nourished Living Network. Lydia founded Divine Health From The Inside Out in March of 2010. You can find Lydia on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. Sign up for the Divine Health From The Inside Out newsletter! Pick up a copy of Lydia’s eBook; ‘Divine Dinners: Gluten-Free, Nourishing, Family-Friendly Meals’.
Lydia offers specialized step by step counseling to transform your health. Personalized consultations to suit your specific needs are offered via phone or in person. Lydia offers a variety of packages offered to suit your individual needs. Lydia also offers 3 online course: Heal Your Gut, Get Healthy To Lose Weight and A Calm Mind. Contact Lydia today to get started as well as to learn more about what she has to offer you!