GAPS Friendly Books in the $39 Primal Bundle
I’m sure that many of you are wondering about the books in this bundle. None of them say GAPS in the title so you may be thinking that they are not for you. I’m going to let you in on a secret. Many of them are completely GAPS compatible Others have some material that is helpful for GAPS even if the whole thing is not appropriate. I’m going to go through the list of books and give a quick review on the ones that I have already read or skimmed and give you some more information about them.
I’ll start with the GAPS recipe books. These may not say GAPS on the title but every recipe in them is GAPS legal.
Starlene from GAPS Diet Journey just released a cookbook last month that is included in this bundle. It is called Beyond Grain and Dairy and it a book with well over 100 dairy free, GAPS legal recipes. What I love about this recipe book is that it has so many ideas for main dishes and side dishes. It isn’t all deserts and baked goods. I feel like the GAPS recipes I can find sometimes are all treats and none of the stuff you eat every day. I love the new ideas in this book and can’t wait to make some of them for my family. I’ll be sharing more about this book in a later post but I wanted to give you some details about it now. $17 $1.18
Cara of Health Home & Happiness has 2 GAPS books in this bundle. One is a “best of” type book. It contains favorite recipes from her meal plan put together into one book. It is called Best Of Grain Free Meal Plans Volume 1. She also has a freezer cooking book made just for GAPS. This book tells you how to prepare meals in bulk ahead of time so that you can easily pull food out of the freezer ready to cook when you are having a busy day. It is designed to do your cooking in smaller blocks of time instead of working all weekend to cook for the month. While a very efficient way to prepare food it often won’t work for families with GAPS kids who need a lot of attention and redirection. This gives you some great tools for preparing a variety of meals in a short amount of time. It is called Freezer Cooking Guide for Grain Free Meal Plans. I will tell you that I was so excited about this book coming out that I signed up to get a copy before it was even ready! I have not been disappointed in it’s content (although for those of you on a LOD it will take further modification to make many of the recipes work but the principles it teaches are invaluable). $18 and $18 $1.18 each
(I just want to point out that at this point I am already above $39 for the value of these books. That is the cost of the entire bundle and I’ve still got 30 books to go!)
Ok that is it for the strictly, everything 100% GAPS cook books. Even if those are the only books you want it is a better deal than buying them individually. However those are far from the only books with GAPS legal recipes.
Jennifer of Hybrid Rasta Mama is offering her book Cooking with Coconut Oil. In the introduction to this book she explains how to modify some of the recipes to make them GAPS legal. She does have some recipes with gluten free grains in them but most of the recipes are GAPS legal or easily modified to make them GAPS legal. Coconut oil is an excellent fat to be getting more of in your diet. You’ll love all the great information you will get in this book for incorporating more of it into your diet. $20 $1.18
Abel & George Bryant of Civilized Caveman Cooking have a fantastic looking grain free crock pot cook book called Paleo Crock Pot Cookbook. This book was written for the Paleo crowd but many of the recipes are easy to make into GAPS recipes. I love the idea of making smoked brisket in your crock pot and can’t wait to try it out! I’m bad about just throwing meat into the crock pot with salt on it because I can’t be bothered with the complicated recipes out there. Well many of these recipes looked simple to throw together and like my family will enjoy them. $10 $1.18
(We are at a bit over double the price of this bundle in great GAPS appropriate books, should I go on?)
I’m really excited about the Paleo Ice Cream book by Ben Hirshberg. I have looked through it and most of the recipes are GAPS legal and diary free! You can also make them with fermented GAPS heavy cream yogurt! So many great ideas for flavors that I hadn’t thought of. Wish I could have been there to taste test the all!
There is one more book that I want to mention specifically. Kristen of Food Renegade put together a book called Real Food Nutrition for Kids a couple of years ago. I have used this in my homeschooling of my children. There are pages to color, copy work and other activities that you can choose from depending on the age and skills of your children. It explains real food in ways that children can understand. It would be a great source of nutritional studies for home schooled children as well as a great way to counteract some of the nutrition information taught in most schools for children who attend a school away from home. There is a chapter about grains since grains are part of most peoples real food diets so feel free to editorialize as needed if your kids are on GAPS or another grain free meal plan.
In addition to those books that I have mentioned specifically I want to point out the camping book, traveling on Paleo, homemade skin care recipe books, and one called The Musical Brain that I am really enjoying. (Have I ever mentioned on this blog that I was a music major in college?) This bundle has a wide variety of books to read and learn from! Also many people “graduate” from GAPS to a Paleo diet. It is great to get an understanding of what is involved in that diet.
All of these books together are worth $479 and yet you have a chance right now to get all of them for only $39! Less than the cost of the 3 strictly GAPS books not to mention all those others! Even if you only want half of the books and trash or give away the other half it is a steal! (Know anyone who is having a baby or is into homemade skin care that would appreciate a gift?) Do be sure to treat these books like print books and if you give it to someone else delete it from your own hard drive. These authors have worked hard to write these books and deserve to be paid for every copy of their book that is used.
So if you are ready to commit just click the link below to go to the shopping cart. If you want to see a list of all the books in this bundle follow this link to my previous blog post that lists all of the books.
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA

Thank you for your website and all the hard work that you do to create such wonderful creative foods for the rest of us to enjoy. May this year, be filled with many blessing along with more amazing creative ideas.