Don’t Miss Lydia’s Gut Healing Class!
Ok folks, this is Loving Our Guts. We are here because our guts need healing. In that quest for healing I have done a lot myself but also I have gotten help along the way. I have mostly worked with local practitioners but I have gotten lucky enough to meet some on the web as well. One of those “online” people is Lydia Shatney.
Lydia is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner through the Nutritional Therapy Association. In addition to her training Lydia has done the GAPS diet for herself and understands it very well. I have had the opportunity to work with Lydia to address some tricky health things that we are dealing with and she is so knowledgeable! She is the person who suggested Prescript Assist after my jaw surgery and it worked fabulously to speed my healing. I never would have guessed that a probiotic would help. But my story is nothing. You should read Jennifer’s story of stopping her Ulcerative Colitis symptoms. Jennifer has been working closely with Lydia for a couple of months and finally has eliminated her worst UC symptoms following Lydia’s recommendations. You can also get an idea about the depth of Lydia’s knowledge by reading one of the most popular posts on my blog. Her guest post here last summer, 8 Signs and Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies .
I want to say this though. We are each unique individuals interacting with our food and our environment in unique ways. Lydia has the education to help people discover what dietary approaches will work best for them to achieve their health goals. However, she offers no guarantees about how long it will take or how well it will work. In truth no one can offer any sort of guarantee about health because we are all unique. She primarily works one on one with clients. Her role in those sessions is to assess your diet and health needs and help formulate a plan for moving forward toward wellness. She is particularly knowledgeable about gut health and blood sugar issues.
Lydia has put together a great class all about gut health that will be starting in just a couple of days. This class couldn’t be coming at a better time. At this holiday time of year it seems like the stress of everything makes our “normal” gut issues even worse. What is an annoyance becomes a catastrophe if we have to spend hours in the bathroom instead of attending a holiday meal. Or perhaps it is that embarrassing issues like gas or bad breath stifle your willingness to socialize with others.
Since it is a class it will be a much more economical way to get Lydia’s help than if you were to do individual coaching. Plus you will have the benefit of interacting with the other people in the class and learning from them and their questions. This is a 5 week class. Each class has a different topic with a 1 hour lecture and then a Q&A after that for any questions you may have about your own health concerns. It will be jam packed with information and practical advice that you can use right away to take charge of your own gut health and move toward wellness.
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The topics are:
Week #1: Digestion 101 – How it works – How it can dysfunction.
Week #2: Elimination/Bowel Movements/ Constipation/Diarrhea
Week #3: Absorption -You can eat all the healthy food in the world, but if you can’t digest and absorb it you won’t be gaining what you’d hope from all your efforts!
Week #4: How to do an Elimination diet and feel great in a short amount of time.
Week #5: Probiotics: From Food & Supplements.
That is a ton to pack into one class!
You can get all of that for just $125! That is only $25 a class!
Each class will be recorded so you won’t miss out if you can’t make the call. Plus you will have that to refer back to once the class is over.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Divine Health to learn more!
The class starts on Saturday November 10th!
Click here to view more details