Cavitation Surgery: My Experience
If you don’t know about cavitations you may want to read my previous post Cavitations and my Dental Health.
When I was learning about cavitations one thing that I did not learn was about how the surgery to deal with them worked. I have no idea how typical my experience is but I assume that it isn’t that outside of the procedures that other dentists who do this surgery follow. When I first had my cavitat exam done the technition who did that told me that the surgery is “no big deal”. The Dr. just opens up your gums, scoops out the rotten bone and sews it back up again. According to her it was not nearly as traumatic as having a tooth pulled. Well the only times that I have had teeth pulled I have been under general anesthesia so I have no idea how traumatic that is to compare. However I don’t think I would call this procedure “no big deal” either.
As a warning to the very squeamish I do talk about the surgery a bit I’ll warn you want paragraphs to skip.
I arrived at 8am. One nice thing about no sedation for this surgery was that I could eat a regular breakfast that morning. Despite not having any sedation they did not want me to drive myself home. That turned out to be a good idea. They like to schedule these cavitation surgeries when there aren’t many people in the office. I’m not sure exactly why that is but it was a very quiet morning. I guess in part because the dentist would be dedicated to me for about an hour of the surgery. It certainly takes much longer than most dental procedures. I came in and sat down and went over some release paperwork. I promised not to sue him if things didn’t get better for me and I was informed of the various risks of this surgery on my jaw and warned that if a complication happened I might need further procedures to correct them.
Next I drank a Lyposomal Vitamin C cocktail (and joked with the woman who gave it to me that another kind of cocktail might be more helpful right then), she took my blood pressure and we were ready to go. The cavitations were in 3 places. One was where my upper left wisdom tooth had been, one was where my lower left premolar had been and one was where my lower right wisdom tooth had been. He did the side with 2 first and numbed it up good with 4 shots of epinephrine free Novocaine. I do hate getting those shots. They probably hurt worse than anything else he did (I was numb for everything else, remember?) Since I was wide awake and I had decided to listen to music to try and distract myself. A good idea but I should have figured out a better play list ahead of time. I ended up listening to a lot of Johnny Cash and while I do love him it just wasn’t quite as distracting or soothing as I would have liked.
Squeamish stop reading here
Once I was numb he began on the upper left by cutting open my gums. I really did not feel anything but pressure for that. Then he began to scrape my jaw bone with instruments and finally to drill at it with an electric drill. I hadn’t realized that a drill would be used. It felt exactly like he was drilling a cavity on a tooth and kind of worried me for a minute there. Then it went on and on much longer than a typical cavity. He did some more scraping and then he injected some ozone water into the cavity and stitched my gums back together. My mouth isn’t super big and it really hurt when he stretched my cheek to get back there to work on my jaw. I have a bruise and sore on the corner of my lip from the stretching that is slowly getting better. I guess that is one of the risks when a dentist is working back there for a long time like that. I was really glad that the next tooth was going to be further forward in my mouth.
Both the Dr and his assistant stood up and stretched after the first cavitation was done. It hadn’t seemed like a really long time but it was intense work. I was glad that I wouldn’t need any more injections for the second one but I was already thinking about how the other side of my mouth wasn’t numb yet and I still would have to have injections for it. It is kind of intense to be awake for a surgery and knowing what is going on even if you can’t see it. I tried to not think about the fact that it was my blood on his fingers and that I was allowing this to happen. One nice thing about being asleep for a surgery is that you miss all of that and can almost pretend it didn’t happen.
This next cavitation was the one that my recent mouth problems have been focused on and I assumed it would be my biggest one. With it being further forward in my mouth I had to work harder to hold my jaw still while he worked on it and I could tell I was going to be sore from that afterward. Each cavitation took probably 15-25 minutes to treat. I am guessing since I couldn’t see a clock but the first one took 3 songs (I didn’t count for the others) and I was done 1.5 hours after the time my appointment started and there was paperwork to do at first.
The third Cavitation was the worst. I tend to need lots of numbing and this was no exception. He did just one injection on that side at first but I could still feel him touching my gums. I don’t know if they hurt more than other side simply because I was already worn out by the process or what but the injections on that side were quite painful. He did a second injection, then he started to cut on my gums and I could feel it. I needed one more injection to get fully numb on that side and that last one ouch! Finally I was numb and couldn’t feel a thing but pressure. This cavitation turned out to be the biggest one. He took his samples for pathology testing from this one. The test is simply to confirm that the bone was dead. He said that as he was drilling suddenly he dropped through the bone into a big open space that he then needed to clean up. That can be typical in these. Interestingly enough this cavitation was the hardest to see in the imaging that was done. I have read that you just never know for sure with cavitations till you get in there and physically look.
You can start again here
Once all 3 spots were cleaned out and sewed up I was given some guaze to bite on and hold against each stitched up wound. I was encouraged to do very little and not even bend over to pick up my purse that day. “No housework!” said the assistant. I said “Don’t worry.” I was to do nothing to raise my blood pressure. Then after 24 hours I could see how I felt and go from there. It was hard to talk with the guaze in my mouth but the people at the front desk must be used to that since they had no trouble understanding me. I was extremely thirsty but didn’t feel like I could swallow anything since I had been numbed on both sides and I worried about dribbling down my front. My friend drove me home and we laughed about how she just couldn’t really understand me at all. Mentally I was completely with it but keeping that guaze in my mouth and all of it made me glad that I wasn’t going to try to drive myself home.
The Dr has assured me that I probably wouldn’t bleed for very long but I think all the moving around to get home made me start bleeding more. Historically I have not clotted quickly or healed fast so this didn’t surprise me. It took a couple of hours for the bleeding at my surgery sites to stop. By then the numbing had worn off and a bad headache had started. I tried traumeel and Arnica but ended up needing ibuprofen to control the pain. His instructions sheet said to sleep as much as possible the first 24 hours and to not lie flat. I was unable to take much of a nap that day despite being tired, I think because my jaw ached so much. I have a Wedge Pillow that I got when pregnant for helping with reflux. I keep thinking I will get rid of it now but once or twice a year I use it for propping someone up in bed either with a cold for sleeping better or something else. I was glad to have it for sleeping on that first day and night. Thankfully after that I could lie flat again.
One thing that I was not anticipating was large swollen bruises on my face next to where the surgery happened on my jaw. The biggest bruise was, understandably, next to the biggest cavitation. I have been applying tea tree oil to it and it has shrunk considerably since I began doing that. In fact now, at the end of day 3, I think they no longer stick out at all. I was nervous to even touch my face at first it was so tender and I never even considered doing anything about the bruising till the second day. My experience with Tea Tree Oil tells me that I could have healed even faster and even prevented some of the bruising if I had applied is soon after the procedure was done.
I also was not anticipating this terrible head ache that keep coming back and just generally feeling worn out and fragile. I don’t feel exactly sick but I don’t have any energy either. I have been doing very little and letting my family wait on me and that has been exactly what I needed. I had assumed that by now I would be feeling pretty good and just have to keep myself from doing too much. I am not feeling very good although I am better every day. I am so glad that I arranged for my children to go to friends houses every day this week. Just caring for myself is exhausting right now and I love how they come home exhausted and I didn’t have to do anything.
So now that I have experienced cavitation surgery I wanted to help others know what to expect and what things might help it.
Things I wished that I had done
- Drink more water. I was not well hydrated that morning and by the end of my procedure I was very parched yet I couldn’t drink anything. Leaving your mouth open for an hour or so will dry it out considerably. I regretted not drinking a big bottle of water on the way there.
- Lip balm. My lips were extremely dry by the end of it all. I wish that I would have applied a layer of lip balm to protect them before we got started.
- Make a good music play list. There was a lot of drilling and work to ignore. I wish that I had put more thought into getting a good playlist together instead of simply trusting that whatever I had on my device would be good enough when the time came.
- Brought tea tree oil for applying externally to my cheeks over where the work was done to help minimize bruising after the procedure.
Things I am glad I did
- I had lots of broth made up.
- I had a food plan and a husband who can cook. If he couldn’t cook I would have made up food ahead of time.
- Plenty of raw ingredients for making my favorite soft foods already on hand.
- I asked friends to watch the girls that week. Not having to care for them or even have them here really allowed me to rest like I needed.
- My husband arranged to work from home all week. I know that isn’t a possibility for everyone but esp for the first couple of days having another adult in the house to help me get things was very helpful.
- Refilled my corn free ibuprofen script. All that work on my jaw has given me a headache that came on as soon as the numbness wore off and comes back whenever the ibuprofen wears off.
- Made my plans for this week assuming that I would be too sick to do anything. I haven’t had any stress about not being able to do things I wanted to do thanks to my plan of being at home all week. And my family also knew to expect me to do nothing for the week and so they are not disappointed.

- Anaerobic Fermentation: Our GAPS Missing Piece | Loving Our Guts - [...] My own health has also improved a ton in this time frame. I can’t say what has been caused …
Wow, I didn’t even know cavitation surgery was a thing. It sounds horrible though. I’m glad it’s all over now and you’re on the mend!
I never knew tea tree oil could help with bruising. Do you apply it as is or dilute it some?
TTO is amazing with bruising. I always apply it neat to injuries. If I get it on there fast enough it can completely prevent bruises from forming even from major injuries.
Wow, Patty! I’ve had teeth pulled and I have to disagree with the dental assistant, this sounds much more traumatic!! I’m glad it’s over and you can focus on healing.
Dear Patty,I would suggest making an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as possible-all that pushing and pulling and drilling has probably caused some sort of TMJ misalignment that is causing your headaches.
Thanks, I have one scheduled for Monday. I was nervous that I would be too tender to be adjusted sooner than then. I have no doubt that misalignment is probably contribution to these headaches. I am also realizing that I am quite dehydrated since moving my jaw is uncomfortable I am not drinking nearly enough. I’m working on that too.
Thanks for sharing Patty. Sounds traumatic but a good thing to get done. Is this to remove any possible infections where one has had extractions? How does one determine where to do this? Is it where any tooth has been removed? I am wondering if I have any infections in my mouth that are wreaking havoc with my health? Due to overcrowding I’ve had many teeth pulled over the years. Hope you mend well and soon,
Yes this can happen where any tooth has been extracted or at the base of any tooth with a root canal. This removed the infection that was causing holes in my jaw bone and will hopefully allow my body to now fill in those empty spots with healthy bone. If you can find a dentist with a cavitat machine they can do imaging to see if you have cavitations. It isn’t 100% but it can make you more sure. Have you read my previous post about cavitations?
No I didn’t see a previous post. Hopefully that will help me understand better. I’ll have a look. I live in a small city so it’s hard to find alternative health practitioners here. ‘Frustrating.
I can’t find the post. It is not under related posts??
It is here. It should be linked at the top of the post.
Hi Patty,
I had surgery on my first premolar to remove a mercury filling that had been placed at the tip of the root years ago in an apex resection. That was done at the time because of an infection there. I only learned after I had had all my amalgams removed that I still had a mercury filling there inside my gums. The procedure is the same as what happened to you. I also had some bleeding afterwards. The two injections hurt me terribly and then I felt nothing. I also saw the blood on the white gloves of the dentist and realized it was mine. I also remember the thread for the stitches being pulled through. I don’t know which anasthetic was used, but I kept a dumb feeling in my chin for months. It is finally wearing off now.
The amalgam was replaced with a cement filling. I guess it contains aluminumoxide, but that is better than mercury. I hope you are healing well.
Patty , has your health been any better since? I have had alot of health issues over the last few yrs and wondr about a possibler cavitation on a missing front tooth which was knocked out 20 yrs ago ..Weid thing is i had a bridge in there for 20 yrs only two yrs ago it came out n my health was getting better n better so left it out i then got a different bridge put in after a yr and a half witrh nothing in there and then my health started going dpown hil with severe pain on the right side of body taking the bridge out the healgth is ever so slowly getting better now my deliemma is why cant i put anything in there? Everytime a bridge goes in i get health issues could it be that any pressure on that front cavitation causes my health to decline? funny thing is i blow up with edema alot anbd have alot of adrenal problems so i wonder since the adrenals sit on top the kidnetys and the front tooth is on the kidney meridia n if this is my problem?
Any info on your cavitation surgery post surgery as if you got better please e mail me
Read this post The State of My Health Summer 2012 and it will answer your questions about how I am doing. As for what is happening with putting bridges in I’m not sure if that is a sign of a cavitation or just a problem with the bridge material. That must be really hard to deal with having to choose between missing a front tooth and having all those health issues. I’m sure there are health practitioners who can test and see what is going on. It would be good for you to find a dentist with a cavitat.
My name is Budhi Sulaiman, male, 32 years old…address : babakan tarogong 20, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Year 2007 : falling hard to the ground and 3 upper middle teeth(tooth #11, #21 and #22) fractured…Get a dental x-ray, tooth #11 abcess periapical, tooth #11 root canalled(reaming until no 60), tooth #22 root canalled(reaming until no 55), both teeth sterile by cresophene and rockle, both teeth filled by endomethasone with gutappercha+cement base, then tooth #22 crowned and tooth #11 patched by resin composit…my tooth #22 always bleed everyday when I brushed since then
Year 2009 : tooth #21 abcess, upper middle left gum swell(periodontis)…Get dental x-ray, root canalled(reaming until no 70), sterile by cresophene and rockle, filled by endomethasone with gutappercha+cement base, then tooth #11 and #21 crowned…My 3 upper middle teeth(tooth #11, #21 and #22) always bleed everyday when I brushed since then
28/04/2012 : suddenly I feel a rush like something is going up in a line inside the blood vessel from behind my calves, going to behind my thighs, behind my butt, behind my back, behind my nape, left side right side of my neck, behind my left and right ears, left side right side of my forehead, and eyelid…All of that part are in severe pain immediately from that moment and all these symptoms suddenly came at once :
- Hard to breath everyday
- All muscles from head to toe become so weak, like a very weak old person
- Walking makes me tired everytime
- Constant severe pain all over the body, especially in this part where I suspect it’s a blood vessel problem : from behind my calves, going to behind my thighs, behind my butt, behind my back, behind my nape, left side right side of my neck, behind my left and right ears, left side right side of my forehead, and eyelid
- Eyelids feel heavy(forcing to close) and very painful everyday
- Severe heavy headache everyday
- Confusion everyday
- Become stupid, hard to understand what people said everyday
- Chest is not comfortable everytime when hearing loud voices such as movies, live music
- Cold hands and feet sometimes
- Weird dreams and nightmares every night
- Cannot concentrate everyday
- Ear ringing everyday
- I hold myself not commiting suicide everyday because of these constant severe pain
- Severe pain and stiff neck on the left side and right side everyday , I can’t even move my neck at all because of the severe pain everytime I move it
- Get mad easily because of the constant pain all over my body
- Headache always increase and want to pass out when hit by direct sunlight or air conditioner
- Feel dizzy and want to pass out everytime I eat at the restaurant or junk food
28/04/2012 – 11/02/2013 : Gone to many specialist doctors and professors…NO result at all ! There is no specialist know what my sickness is…Done a lot of blood test, try a lot of medicines, 2 times brain MRI, 6 times thorax, brain CT-Scan, Full complete spinal MRI, 3 times retina photo, EMG, OCT Opthalmoscope, 3D eye photo, Humphrey test, 2 times testicles USG, 2 times echocardiography, a lot of EKG, gastric USG, upper and lower abdomen USG…Everything was fine !
So after having a CONSTANT SEVERE SUFFERING from 28/04/2012 – 11/02/2013, I initiatively check my teeth on 11/02/2013, it’s the only thing that I haven’t checked yet
11/02/2013 : I initiatively check my teeth, no doctors told me to check my teeth because there is no swelling and no pain at all in my teeth or gum…but the panoramic x-rays surprisingly showed that I have a problem in my 3 upper middle teeth that had a root canal treatment before in year 2007, it’s an reinfected root canalled teeth on my 3 upper middle teeth…the endodontist said it is a cyst, so the endodontist clean the dry pus inside the canal of these 2 teeth(tooth #11 and #21) and injected Sodium Hipocloride(NaOCl) into my rabit teeth at the first time of root canal treatment…she feel weird why dry pus can be inside the teeth canal…Oral surgeon said it’s not a cyst but granuloma and there is no way dry pus can be inside the teeth canal unless there is a leak from above…One orthodontic professor said inside the teeth canal is not a dry pus but it is a gutappercha…After the dry pus inside the teeth canal is cleaned and injected NaOCl by the endodontist, she gives me clindamycin 300mg antibiotics…In the first day after taking clindamycin, suddenly I awake at dawn because a lot sands come out from my eyelid, I don’t know what it is but it is a lot, very very very small, hard and sharp(every dentist and doctors don’t believe me when I told this)…After the sands comes out from my eyelid, ALL of my symptoms healed at once, cured 100% ! I became absolutely a healthy normal person 100% ! After consuming clindamycin in the second day until the fifth day, there is no effect anymore because I am already cured 100% !
- Easy to breath!!!
- No headache
- No neck pain
- Never have cold hands and feet
- All muscles become strong immediately, no weakness !
- I intentionally go to my room and put on air condition 16 celcius degree…I feel 100% fine !
- I intentionally eat a lot of junk food, steak, etc…and I feel 100% fine !
- I intentionally goes out when the weather is hot…I feel 100% fine !
- No more ear ringing
- Can concentrate again
- Can easily understand what people said
- Eyelid very comfortable and doesn’t feel heavy or pain at all!
- No more intention to commit suicide for the pain is all gone !!!
- No more weird dreams !!!
- No more severe pain in these parts : behind my calves, going to behind my thighs, behind my butt, behind my back, behind my nape, left side right side of my neck, behind my left and right ears, left side right side of my forehead, and eyelid
- Healthy 100% !
BUT it don’t last long and my symptoms came back again…This is why : I force myself continue the root canal treatment for more than 5 months to clean the granuloma/pus on the periapical teeth(tooth #11 and tooth #21) because I don’t want to extract my upper middle teeth, but the symptoms came back again when I am having the root canal FAILURE treatment for more than 5 months, I have all the medic resume and all the x-rays to prove the endodontic failure process :
18/02/2013(The second time of root canal treatment) : I change to another endodontist because I was visiting my mother in another city for a few months…The new endodontist said it is not a cyst but granuloma, chronic abcess and a pulp necrosis, so she clean the teeth canal…It felt so painful when she cleaned it, then injected ledermix+cavit in my 2 rabbit teeth, after that my rabbit teeth hurt for the first time and I have a headache
14/03/2013(The third time of root canal treatment) : she injected Ca(OH)+CB in my 2 rabbit teeth and chirp the 3 upper middle gum until it bleeds a lot, after that I feel gritty eyelid for the first time, it’s like there is sands/crystals inside my eyelid and my rabbit teeth is still hurting
25/03/2013(The forth time of root canal treatment) : she injected Ultracal(calcium hydroxide/CaOH2) to my 2 rabbit teeth and chirp again my 3 upper middle gum until it bleeds a lot, at that moment this gritty eyelid gives an immediate reaction and become worse…I told my endodontist about it but she said it has nothing to do with the root canal
In early April : Suddenly I have a severe flu for almost 2 weeks, the mucus is thick and green…And from head to wrist, all of my body is very itchy(it’s like an allergy) and also i can feel the itchy part is in the green blood vessel on the skin surface of my hand+red patches all over my skin body(front, back, neck, and face) like an allergy…there is one time when I fail to get the thick green mucus out from my left nose, and I can REALLY FEEL the mucus goes up to my left eyelid and make a sudden pain+ sudden left neck pain+testicles pain…From this moment, there is a thick mucus stuck in my left eyelid and this gritty eyelid always getting worse after the upper middle teeth bleeds a lot everytime I brushed in the morning and at night
3/05/2013 : Go to ENT doctor, he gave me clindamycin 300mg for a week, no effect
20/04/2013 : Go to an ophthalmologist, she pull my eyelid up and said my eyeball+eyelid was fine and healthy
29/04/2013(The fifth time of root canal treatment) : she injected Ultracal(Calcium Hydroxide) again to my 2 rabbit teeth and make my gritty eyelid reacted and become worse again, now it is worse than before…This sands/crystals inside my eyelid always gathered in the morning when I wake up, the crystals want to get out from my eyelid but stuck because there is no way out…I told this to the endodontist but she told me to go to an ophthalmologist, I said I did and the ophthalmologist said there is nothing wrong with my eyelid and eyeball
13/05/2013(The sixth time of root canal treatment) : The dental x-ray showed granuloma become worse…She injected ultracal(caoh2) again into my 2 rabbit teeth, this time my grity eyelid became super worse and make my vision blurry for the first time
15/05/2013 : CT scan Paranasal(non contrast), the result showed left frontalis sinus+etmoid sinus+rhinitis(allergy)
20/05/2013(The seventh time of root canal treatment) : I change again to another endodontist and told her that calcium hydroxide injection in my rabbit teeth makes gritty eyelid+blurry vision, but the new endodontist don’t believe me and said that calcium hydroxide is the right medicine…So she injected ultracal again to my 2 rabbit teeth and gave amoxixilin 500mg…The result is the same, this gritty eyelid has become so worse and my vision is still blurry
22/05/2013(The eighth time of root canal treatment) : So I immediately go back again to the endodontist and ask if she can try to change the medicine to NaOCl…She said ok but I have to sign some paper, then she injected NaOCl into my 2 rabbit teeth, but the result is a severe headache, testicle pain and still a blurry vision
23/05/2013 : Go to ENT professor for my sinus and rhinitis, he gave me nutriflam+capsule(nalgestan, musera, stesolid, mobiflex, medixon)+thiamfenicol 500mg for a week, still no effect
25/05/2013 : Then I go to an ophthalmologist, she said keratitis and gave me floxa antibiotic eyedrops…My blurry vision healed BUT this gritty eyelid is not healed, not even a bit !
29/05/2013 : Go to laboratorium for testicles USG, the result is varicocele bilateral and epididimis…Then go to an urolog, he said it is nothing serious and no medicine needed
2/06/2013(The ninth time of root canal treatment) : I asked to the endodontist again what is the medicine for this granuloma ? she answered the medicine is calcium hydroxide, so I FORCE MYSELF to try calcium hydroxide again but this gritty eyelid gives a reaction again when caoh2 is injected…The endodontist said tooth crown #22 is OK, but I asked the endodontist to drill my crown tooth #22 for root canal treatment also because who knows that tooth #22 is the culprit, but it turns out not to be the culprit
14/06/2013(The tenth time of root canal treatment) : I change again to another endodontist, but this new endodontist also said the medicine for granuloma is calcium hydroxide…So I DESPERATELY try again the calcium hydroxide because I don’t want to extract my teeth, guess what ? Yes, the gritty eyelid gives a reaction again ! Now I have a big suspect that caoh2(calcium hydroxide) is the culprit
28/06/2013(The eleventh time of root canal treatment) : For my curiosity I try for the last time of this caoh2, and again gritty eyelid gives a reaction when caoh2 is injected to my upper middle teeth ! Now I don’t care what the endodontist said and sure the calcium hydroxide is the culprit of this gritty eyelid and sinus ! The dental x-ray also showed the granuloma is getting worse
I decide to go to a prosthodontic expert to open all the crown before having the extraction because I suspect the bleeding teeth everytime I brushed is because of the crown problem…All the crown were opened successfully and guess what ? Yes, after 3 days there is NO BLOOD comes out from my teeth anymore when I brushed it !
9/07/2013 : Go to an oral surgeon expert, she said I have a focal systemic infection and the solution is extraction, she gave me cefadroxil cefat 500mg…After taking it in the first day, suddenly awake at dawn because I REALLY FEEL IT when “some sands” comes out from my eyelid and make a little relief, but there is still some sands left in the eyelid
11/07/2013 : Then I extract all the 3 upper middle teeth and have a panoramic+dental x-ray…The result is no infection in the teeth anymore but all these symptoms that came back when having a root canal FAILURE still don’t go away
12/07/2013 : Go to an ophthalmologist again for my grity eyelid, she said scleritis and the oil gland inside my eyelid is stuck…she gave polynel eyedrops, doxicycline 100mg and 8mg of methylprednisolone, but no effect !
1/08/2013 : There is a lump behind my ear, so I do a biopsy…The result showed granulation tissue foreign thing, sudden cell inflammation for years, datia cell foreign thing
6/08/2013 : Go to an allergy and immunologist professor, he said I have sjogren syndrome and must use high dose of methylprednisolone, 8mg of methyprednisolone that the ophthalmologist gave me is not enough, so he gave me methylprednisolone 24mg/day, I eat it for a week because the doctor said it needs at least 7 days for the medicine to work…This is the worst drug I have ever had ! The effect is so bad from the first day I took it : sweat all over my body, gain 10 kg in a week, skin hurt when hit by direct sunlight, inflammation(in cheek, neck, chest, stomach), become depression for no reason, mood is very bad, my gum really hurts and still many more…After that I go to another doctor for second opinion, done a comprehensive test, he said I don’t have sjogren syndrome and told me not to eat methylprednisolone
24/08/2013 : i take a big risk extracted my perfect 4 wisdom teeth(ondotectomy)+gum biopsy because I thaught maybe it’s the culprit, but it turns out not to be the culprit ! The result of the gum biopsy showed a chunk of bone and a little cell inflammation under the tissue
1/09/2013 : Go to oral surgeon for alveolectomy because there is a bone comes out from my upper middle gum that hurts, but still doesn’t cure the other symptoms
11/09/2013 : Go to Mount Elizabeth Singapore to see an ophthalmologist, she said it’s an allergy and my eyes is very bad, gave me augmentin 625mg, restasis eyedrops, optive eyedrops, bausch & lomb eyedrops…But the result after a week is eyelid+eyebags inflammation, red eyeball, blurry vision and heavy eyelid
20/09/2013 : Go to an ophthalmologist, she pull my eyelid up and said cell inflammation on the eyelid and it is an allergy
25/09/2013 : Go to another ophthalmologist, he said this is infection and gave me vigamox antibiotic eyedrops, the result is my blurry vision cured but gritty eyelid isn’t cured, not even a bit ! At the same day I do paranasal x-ray, the result is sinus maxillaris bilateral…The doctor gave me erdosteine 300mg+cefixime 200mg for a week and continue with klindamisin 300mg for 2 weeks
18/10/2013 : After the sinusitis medication, I do a CT scan paranasal(non contrast) again, the result is left frontalis sinus+rhinitis…So it turns out the sinus+rhinitis hasn’t cured 100% from Mei to October
22/10/2013 : Go to ENT professor, I said I still feel there is a mucus inside my left eyelid and crystals inside my both eyelids…when the tear duct in my right eye is tested by injection, the water goes right through my neck, BUT when the tear duct in my left eye is tested, the water stuck in my left nose and doesn’t go through my neck…The ENT professor said the mucus inside my left eyelid is from the tear duct goes up to ht eyelid when I sneeze and fail to get the mucus out from my left nose…he gave me nutriflam+(musera, nalgestan, ceritin)
The x-rays of my teeth after the extraction shows no infection anymore but all these symptoms that came back when having a root canal FAILURE still don’t go away…The symptoms are :
1. Gritty eyelid…Gritty eyelid ALWAYS gives a reaction when the endodontist inject the calcium hydroxide(caoh2) and become worse again after a lot of blood comes out from my upper middle teeth when I brushed it every morning and every night, NO DOUBT about that !
2. All of my upper and lower teeth hurts when chewing, especially chocolate or sweet food
3. Mucus inside my left eyelid and make it painful…no pain on the right eyelid
4. Constant mild weakness and mild pain all over the body
5. Hurt on testicles
6. Ear ringing
7. Uncomfort chest when hearing loud voices such as live music and action movies
8. CONSTANT mild pain on this part : behind my calves, going to behind my thighs, behind my butt, behind my back, behind my nape, left side right side of my neck, behind my left and right ears, left side right side of my forehead, and pain+grity eyelid…It’s all where the problem started on 24/04/2012 and I suspect it as a blood vessel problem ! Constant pain on my left neck is worse than my right neck after I fail to get the thick mucus out from my left nose and make the thick mucus goes up to my left eyelid…The pain in my left eyelid, left neck and testicle is the EXACT SAME KIND of pain
9. Cannot erection maximal, it’s like becoming impotent again
10. Constant mild headache
11. Left frontalis sinus+rhinitis that haven’t cured 100% but this is nothing serious
And again i go to every specialist for these symptoms with NO RESULT ! But i’m very certain that root canal failure is the culprit and there is still infection going on in my upper middle rabbit teeth…i regret continue the root canal for my 3 upper middle teeth, because if i extracted right away when cured 100% back then, maybe it will be a different story… My main intention now is to get all the sands/crystals out from my eyelid+ get the thick mucus out from my left eyelid
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART(CASES, TESTIMONIES AND ARTICLES THAT STRENGTHEN MY SUSPECT THAT ROOT CANAL FAILURE IS THE CULPRIT OF MY SICKNESS) This is a link about people testimonies that surprisingly have intense suffering for years because of the infected root canal treatment…Linda’s suffering is very similar to my symptoms, Fondues gave me this message inbox :
Subject: Re: root canal
To: ghrrr
Date: 9/26/2013 2:43:39 AM ( 32 h ago ) Hits: 1
Size: 1247 char. URL:
You might need to be tested for mycotoxins to see if you have that, dental infections can cause mycotoxins in your blood stream as well as other things… My doctor because I had dental issues gave me Chlorestyramine to gather the mycotoxins out of the body and flush it out . If you have a mycotoxins fungal infection than antibiotics can make it worse but if it helped you before than consider taking it longer for many weeks
Yes you can still have infection in the tissues after a root canal extraction ! and yes the infection can even be in your jaw bone ! My dentist said , a soft tissue MRI with contrast should show tissue infection …This information might help someone cut through the dental and medical mouse maze! When I went to see the oral surgeon she told me to find the best ENDODONTIST one that has the latest and greatest 3-D MICRO-MAGNIFICATION they can see every little fracture and finest details. Also my dentist told me to ask the doctor for soft tissue MRI with contrast to check for soft tissue infections.
I’m finally feeling so much better, it has taken almost two years time. I can even begin to tell you how sick I was it was like I was going to die. I had seen over 70 doctors…with little no answers.
We also found black mold in our new house so we moved out, and I’m also being treated for that now!
This is what helped the most I found an oral surgeon and she did a MICRO-MAGNIFICATION of my head, my jaw and teeth . We found that the dentist we paid before made a lot of BIG mistakes, My root canal extraction site had a big fistula which is sign of infection because the first dentist forgot something in there the oral surgeon wasn’t sure it was an allergic reaction to the graft so all of it was removed along with gutta percha that was left behind ! She also showed us that the 1st dentist put a crown on something that was infected and needed to be extracted!
My MD put me on 6 Weeks of antibiotic, Clindimycin, and mega doses of 7 different types of vitamins B-12 shots, and vitamin C IV. He also order ozone to be injected directly into my jaw bone. Prior to that I had tons of ozone injection but not directly into the jaw bone like I’m going to be having done in a couple weeks. I’m not perfected yet, but I’m 90% better.
Get all the root canals extracted and then get a cavitation which is they clean it out by grinding the bone 1 millimeter to make sure that it gets all of the infection out right down to the bone! Get on antibiotics like Clindimycin for a few weeks, then get ozone injection if you can This is a link from Universitas Sumatera Utara(North Sumatera University) in Endodontic field that said calcium hydroxide(caoh2) can leaked into the blood vessel and become crystal because of the ph level difference between blood and caoh2, it make tissue necrosis and a direct tissue toxic…calcium hydroxide is not biocompatible. This is a link about 43 people testimony that suffer sinus after root canal and their dentist don’t trust what they said…But I trust them because I also suffer sinus after the infected root canal treatment This is also a link at St Richards Hospital about caoh2 danger in endodontic.
Sharma S, Hackett R, Webb R, Macpherson D, Wilson A
Source : St Richards Hospital, Chichester, West Sussex, UK
“calcium hydroxide injected resulted in severe clinical signs and symptoms ending in tissue necrosis. Long-term sequelae included scarring, deformity, and chronic pain. This case series illustrates the high toxicity of calcium hydroxide when displaced into vessels and soft tissues. Caution should be exercised when using injectable systems for endodontic calcium hydroxide.” and These link is about root canal danger from Lawrence Wilson, MD and Huggins this is a link about Dr. Omar M. Amin, Ph.D., Neurocutaneous syndrome (NCS) explanation related to caoh2 danger in endodontic :
“Use of dental liners, that is, bases under permanent restorative filling materials can also be the causative agent for an allergic response and body toxicity. A new toxicity disorder discovered by Dr. Omar M. Amin, Ph.D., Neurocutaneous syndrome (NCS), linked components (ethyltoluene sulfonamide and zinc oxide) in the CALCIUM HYDROXIDE dental bases (Dycal, Life and Sealapex) as sources for the observed symptoms of NCS. The neurological aspects of NCS are characterized by pinprick and/or creeping, painful and irritating movement sensations, often interpreted as parasite movements subcutaneously or in various body tissues or cavities including the head. In no case was the movement sensation related to parasites, which were always found absent. Additional neurological symptoms include memory loss, brain fog, and lack of concentration and control of voluntary movements, pain, depleted energy and depressed immune system that may invite various opportunistic infections. In many cases, lesions are associated with swellings in the arms and legs. Blood vessels may also become enlarged and elevated, and the head may become hot and turn red and the gums and the teeth may turn gray.”
I’ve been through a lot of antibiotics given by doctors
- 11/02/2013 : clindamycin 300mg(2X1) for a week
- 03/05/2013 : clindamycin 300mg(2X1) for a week, no effect
- 20/05/2013 : amoxixilin 500mg(3X1) for 3 days
- 23/05/2013 : then continue with thiamfenicol 500mg(3X1) for 4 days, no effect
- 12/07/2013 : doxicycline 100mg(2X1) for a week, no effect
- 24/08/2013 : broadced ceftriaxone injection 1gr vial(2 times) when having 4 wisdom teeth extraction, no effect
- 11/09/2013 : Augmentin 625mg(2X1) for 6 days, no effect
- 25/09/2013 : cefixime 200mg(2X1) for a week, no effect
-07/10/2013 : clindamycin 300mg(3×1) for 2 weeks, no effect
Antibiotics eyedrops :
- 25/05/2013 : floxa antibiotic eyedrops(3×1) for a week
- 12/07/2013 : polynel antibiotic eyedrops(3×1) for 2 weeks
- 25/09/2013 : vigamox antibiotic eyedrops(6×1) for 2 weeks
Where can i find a biological dentist expert ? because there is no biological dentist in Indonesia, Penang and Thailand…Can anyone help me please ?
It sounds like you have been through the ringer! I lost track. Do you still have those teeth with the root canals? Have you read much by Dr Hal Huggins? He would say that those teeth need to come out. No matter where they are in the mouth. I wonder if you can find a local dentist to just pull them. You can also contact Dr Huggin’s office is his website. That office may be able to tell you about someone closer to you that you could travel to. Perhaps in Australia or New Zealand. I so hope that you can find some answers for your health problems. They certainly do seem to have started with your root canals.
Thank you PattyLA for your reply, i really appreciate it…i have extract all the 3 teeth with the infected root canal…the dental x-ray after the extraction showed no infection, but the symptoms still don’t go away…i found this site this is a link about root canal danger that is so related to my sickness…the dentist said it is very possible to have dental infection and CANNOT seen by dental x-ray…This is what the dentist said :
1. “Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are MORE TOXIC than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems” – by Dr.Edward Arana
2. “Root canals are ZILLION times worse than mercury fillings ! I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done ? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into” – by Dr.Hal Huggins
3. Sometimes a person of healthy genetic can develop a diseases as a result of reactions to most root-filled teeth, how does this happen ?
“The abuse of alcohol, drugs and caffeine stress our system. Doctor Price found under the influence of either pregnancy or influenza(flu) stress our system too, the toxins from root-filled teeth were much more apt to produce disease at the person’s susceptible site ! Other that stress our system were grief, anxiety, chilling, severe hunger and acute chronic infection.”
4. “Guttapercha shrinks, leaves gaps and the tooth can never be sterile. There is NO SUCH THING as a sterile root canal. During a root canal, the main canal is filled and possibly some of the small side canals, BUT the other smaller canal(like structures in teeth called dentinal tubules) are TOO TINY to be filled during treatment and these tubules become home to bacteria instead. Since there are millions of these tubules, there is room for enough bacteria to challenge the immune system. The waste products from these nasty germs include some VERY TOXIC substances called THIO-ETHERS, and your body has to deal with these toxins 24 hours a day. They contaminate the bone around the tooth and they are picked up by the immune system and carried to the liver for detoxification. Unfortunately, the liver can be seriously damage by them. Doctor Weston Price conducted research on root canals and wrote 2 books about how toxic they can be. So you have to make up your mind what is more important to you. NO tooth is worth destroying my immune system” – by Dr.Frank Jerome, D.D.S
5. What about root-filled teeth that do not give pain ?
“If the body’s immune system is compromised, then very little action is initiated around the root-filled tooth. Certain enzymes may escape which stimulate the bone to form what is termed “condensing osteitis” around the tooth. On x-ray films this will appear as a white line and is considered to reflect excellent healing. This tooth gives no pain, BUT the toxins that seep out get into the body circulation, and with little immune system interference, seek a specific organ to attack. Doctor Weston Price named this as TISSUE LOCALIZATION.” – by Dr.Weston Price
6. “Where were the bacteria hiding ?
A tooth contains enamel, dentin and a central pulp chamber. The central pulp chamber can be sterilized to a reasonable degree by removing its contents of nerves, arteries, and veins and flushing it with 27 chemicals. The dentin, however, is composed of thousand of tiny “dentin tubules” that are unreachable by this flushing procedure. Although microscopic in size, these tubules are quite adequate to house billions of bacteria. If one were to take a front tooth and arrange the dentin tubules end to end, they would (measure) 3 miles. The tubules are wide enough to accommodate 8 streptococci abreast. They are the streptococcus Viridians family and are normal inhabitants of the mouth. When a tooth becomes decay prone, they invade the tooth and start killing tooth tissue. When they reach the pulp chamber, they invade not only the pulp tissue, but also the dentin tubules. When dentist clean out the pulp chamber, he removes all the bacteria in the chamber, seals the tooth, and that’s when a new action begins. This points out Howe’s misinterpretation ! In an “anaerobic” condition, or one that contains no oxygen, these streptococci mutate, undergoing a slight change in body form and metabolism to adapt to this environment. Now, instead of producing slightly offensive waste products, these transformed bacteria produce a potent TOXIN. Our immune system cannot get into the tiny holes in the outside of the root to destroy the bacteria. Toxin can seep out. Fluids containing nutrients can seep into the tooth, so the bacteria continue to thrive in confinement. If the body launches a big fight against the toxins, pus forms around the tooth. Conventional wisdom says that pus is bad for the patient and dentist give antibiotics until it’s gone. Doctor Price found the pus to be nearly sterile, although socially disagreeable. Its presence was the sign of successful quaranting of the toxins from the tooth. Another disturbing situation uncovered by doctor Price was that x-rays frequently miss abcess found on the front or back of a tooth. About 30% of teeth have extra canals which may exit anywhere from half way down the tooth to all the way down at the tip, like they are supposed to. They can exit on the front, back or side of the tooth. Those “other” canals that abcess are ones that are apt to be missed on the x-ray” – by Dr.Weston Price
7. “If you have a root canal and want it removed, do you just pull the tooth ? NO ! this may lead to more problems. The attachment from the tooth to the bone called the periodontal ligament, must be removed with a dental burr. This irritates the old bone and stimulates it to form new bone. Studies at the University of Colorado looked at the biopsies of bone under removed root-filled teeth. Lymphocytes of auto immune disease were embedded at least a milimeter into the bone, sometimes more. All this must be removed if good bone healing is to be achieved. Doctor Price research published in many peer reviewed journal(i.e: J.A.M.A…J.A.D.A.O) has NEVER been refute !” – by Dr.Weston Price
8. A cavitation is an UNHEALED hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth/a root canal/an injury to a tooth. Dentist are taught in dental school that once they pull a tooth, the patient’s body heals the resulting hole in the jawbone. HOWEVER, approximately 95% of all tooth extraction result in a pathologic defect called a cavitation. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is compromised of “zillions” of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket(the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers”
There are specialized cells in the bone called OSTEOBLASTS(bone former). Osteoblasts make new bone. They are active during growth and maintenance. However, the periodontal ligaments PREVENT S the osteoblasts from filling in the tooth socket with bone sinve the periodontal ligament fibers lining the socket act as a barrier beyond which the osteoblasts cannot form bone. In other words, an osteoblast sees a tooth when it sees periodontal ligament fibers. Since there are billions of bacteria in the mouth, they easily get into the open tooth socket. Since the bone is unable to fill in the defect of the socket, the newly formed cavitation is now infected. Since there is no blood supply to the cavitation, it is called “ischemic” or “avascular”(without blood supply). This result in NECROSIS(tissue death). Hence we call a cavitation an UNHEALED, CHRONICALLY INFECTED, AVASCULAR, NECROTIC HOLE IN THE BONE. The defect acts to an acupuncture meridian the same way a dead tooth/root canal tooth acts. It causes an interference field on the meridian which can impair the function and health of other tissues, organs and structures on meridian. Significantly, the bacteria in the cavitation also produce the same deadly toxins that are produced by the bacteria in root canals. These toxin are THIO-ETHERS(most toxic organic substance known to man), THIO-ETHANOLS, and MERCAPTANS. They have been found in the tumors in women with breast cancer.
Must i get a cavitation surgery ? But there is no biological dentist in my country..i live in Indonesia and there is none of biological dentist…i have search in Singapore, Penang and Thailand but there is no biological dentist…i’m really confused…i have email to dr Huggins but it is located in America and it is too faa for me to go there
Yes I am aware that sometimes extracting the teeth won’t fix the problem and you need someone to clean out the socket. I understand that Dr Huggins is too far away however he may know of a biologic dentist who is closer to you. I know that there are some in Australia and New Zealand. I don’t know how difficult it would be for you to travel to either of those countries but it must be easier than a trip to the United States.
I will pray that you find someone who can help you. I’m sorry that I simply don’t know but keep asking everywhere and sooner or later you are likely to find someone who can help you.
I agree that you need to check with the Huggins people, they are a good source and you can contact them through the internet. Also Check with the dentist at Orchard Scotts Dental in SG. He KNEW someone who worked with cavitations, perhaps he would be able to dig up that information for you.
Hallo Patty and Coral…i am in US now and i just have cavitation surgery conducted by a biological dentist…he found 3 hole in my jawbone(root canal extraction site)…one of the hole is huge, and i also experience headache after the cavitation surgery just like Patty…i hope the new bone can heal fast and make me healthy 100%…So how are you doing now Patty ? Are you cured 100% yet ?
hi there Patty,
I read with great interest your experiences and that of budhi. Such a tough road to travel. I have been sick with many of the same things you have for 30 years. I’m 39 now. Just wondering if you got the cavitations completely resolved? I’m going to Seattle to see an oral surgeon there for cavitation surgery. But I’m also doing hyperbaric chamber and intraosseous ozone injections to ensure there is no infection left over after the surgery. I muscle test positive for Gangrene which is a common finding in cavitations in addition to the dead bone.
I also wanted to mention that Silica 1m is good for pushing infection out of bones in the body. It is indicated for inflammatory Gangrene. I take it 1x a week for about 8 to 10 doses.