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Be Young Green Monday Sale

Today is the annual Green Monday sale that Be Young offers every year. 20% off all in stock products for one day only. It is a great time to stock up. Don’t forget that if you sign up as a sharing partner you already get 20% off the regular customer prices. This is an additional 20% off!
For those of you on the Low Oxalate Diet this is a great chance to try the essential oil versions of some high oxalate herbs. I have been using the Cinnamon, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils to flavor lots of holiday foods. Of course their value is far more than as a flavoring. I have also used essential oils for our digestive and respiratory aliments with great success and I wouldn’t want to face the winter cold and flu season without Spice Of Life.
So head on over to and take advantage of this great sale!


When health and wellness is your passion, there’s only ONE SALE that really matters every year-The Annual Be Young Essential Oils GREEN MONDAY SALE

You don’t have to wait in line but you DO have to post your orders early at and enjoy TWENTY-PERCENT off of the wholesale & retail price on EVERY PRODUCT! (Offer while supplies last)

20% off ALL Wholesale & Retail Pricing is easy. Just log in under your Sharing Partner ID and order all you need! (Regular shipping rates apply; PV is at 50% value for the duration of this sale.

While you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving meal with your family, ours will be getting ready to take care of your health and wellness needs!

Orders can be placed over the phone. Be Young Essential Oils sales agents will be available 9:00 - 7:00 pm MST.


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This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated.
Thank You! -PattyLA


  1. Hi Patty! I’m wondering if you can share your families experience with these oils? I am really curious to try some of these, but don’t have alot of extra $ to spend. I guess I’d like to hear firsthand exactly what kind of benefit you’ve seen from taking them.


    • Hi Heather,
      Have you read my posts about using the oils? If you look in the Cherries on top area I have some posts about them. In addition to those oils covered we are using the oils pretty much every day. Eucalyptus for sinus congestion, guardian for yeast issues, Defense for bacteria (I used some defense on my mother when she was here visiting and got very ill and within hours she was much better). My husband is currently using peppermint several times a day to treat his cold and getting enough benefit that he is continuing to use it (he is not good about remembering to treat himself unless he sees immediate benefit). I have used chiro touch on my gall bladder to stop a gall bladder attack immediately. I got rid of a headache yesterday morning pretty quickly with lavender and peppermint on the back of my neck. I am using some oils on my dd for her ADHD issues and noticing that she is calmer and more focused when using them. I am using brain gem on myself and can really tell that I am much more focused and clear headed when using it. Is that enough? I also can’t recommend the desk reference enough. I have used it’s guidance to treat many problems in my family and it has worked really well. It is a large comprehensive book. I don’t agree with all the dietary advice in it but otherwise it is a great reference book for using the oils.

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